Atopic dermatitis


L. rhamnosus Rosell®-11 + L. helveticus Rosell®-52 Diarrhea, Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea, H. pylori eradication therapy, Atopic Dermatitis Lactose intolerance in children and adults 2B CFU Atopic Dermatitis in children 2B CFU Antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children and in adults from 1B to 12B depending on age Adjunct to physician-supervised therapy in children and adults with Helicobacter pylori […]

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Lactobacillus salivarius I 1794

Restoration of the physiological intestinal balance. Pediatric gastroenteritis. Immunomodulatory activity in allergic patients (for asthma and allergic rhinitis). Induces a significant reduction of LDL cholesterol, as well as a significant improvement of the LDL / HDL ratio. Reduces the release of type 2 cytokines, induces an improvement in the th1 / th2 ratio. Deposited at

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